Inspired Wellness through Spiritual Medicine for the Soul!
Inspired Wellness is the heart ministry of Christ in us! The Spirit of God teaches, guides and leads us into discovering wellbeing and healing of spirit, soul, heart, mind, will, and body through the help, revelation, and inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
INSPIRATION is a “divine influence or action on a person believed to qualify him or her to RECEIVE and COMMUNICATE with SACRED REVELATION”
To be INSPIRED means being influenced, moved, or GUIDED by divine inspiration or sacred revelation. Inspiration is enlivening, motivating, rejuvenating, life affirming, reviving, regenerative, and HEALING. To be inspired is to be IN SPIRIT! To be inspired is to breathe in the very atoms of God's Spirit, lifting and expanding your awareness to divine knowledge, wisdom, understanding, counsel, power, and the Spirit of the Lord accessible in the sacred, hidden, secret, innermost heart.
The cross of Jesus made it possible for us to whole, complete and lacking nothing in spirit, soul and body! "He has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows...he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that made us whole, and with his stripes we are healed" Isaiah 53:4-5 The symbol of the cross represents transforming through crucifying the flesh, resurrection with Christ, ascension, glorification and the embodiment of Christ in you:inspired wellness in Spirit. The cross has a very personal meaning. This symbol arose while writing my dissertation on spiritual intention in healing. It came to me during the creative synthesis part of my dissertation as a huge, golden, luminous, brilliant, radiating cross with rays of light emitting from the center. I drew a heart over the intersection of the vertical and horizontal axis and I realized upon reflection that it represented the human body and the tree of life within, Christ in our innermost spirit man filled with Holy Spirit and fire, when the light of Christ is revealed by the Holy Spirit and manifests into our physical reality; heaven comes to earth so Thy Will be done; Thy kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven. We die to our old self, old nature, sin, falling short of the glory, missing the mark, mistakes, failures, trespasses, debts and problems with Jesus, and are raised with Christ into the new creation, a new creature of the new covenant, raised into sonship, led by the Holy Spirit in the kingdom of God and His righteousness, perfection, holiness, godliness, wholeness, fullness of God, and the love of our Father through the Holy Spirit. Jesus said, "I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all human beings to myself" John 12:32. Be lifted in consciousness with Christ into the consciousness of God and be healed and made whole in the transcendent power of God, the Blood of the Lamb and the power of the gospel of the glory of Christ! "Know the Love of Christ which surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with ALL the fullness of God; the power working in you greater than you can ask or think" Ephesians 3:19-20.
This is a place to be awakened from sleep, arise from the dead, receive the Light of Christ; be spiritually nourished and soul healed for all faiths, beliefs, religions, spiritual traditions, agnostics or even those with no beliefs. Christ is not a respecter of persons; God is able to transform the hardest of heart. God our one Father is above all, in all and through all when we believe and receive Christ through the Holy Spirit. Religion devoid of the Holy Spirit has caused division; worldly people without the Spirit are also causing division. This di-vision causes double-vision, double-mindedness causes you to not receive anything from the Lord God Almighty. The god of this world has blinded minds to the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, the likeness of God (2 Cor 4:4). Eyes that can't see spiritually, ears that can't hear spiritually, and closed, hard, darkened hearts can't spiritually perceive what God is doing and saying so we can't do and say what the Holy Spirit is saying and doing; this is causing tribulation, evil, division, strife and suffering in the world. The remedy is to turn to Jesus and return to the Father and be given the Holy Spirit and fire light to be healed through his Power and Presence; see the glory and be changed into Christ likeness from one degree of glory to another; for this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit (2 Cor 3:12-18). God is reconciled with human beings through the finished work of the cross; we can return to wholeness when we realign with the one body and one Spirit of Christ. Heaven is reconciled with earth by Jesus who united everything in heaven and on earth; Jesus has been given all power and authority in heaven and on earth! The Spirit of God is reunited in your body; the result is inspired wellness!
My roots are deeply anchored in the original teachings of Jesus; my soul is anchored in the sure and steadfast and faithful and true, righteous King of kings and Lord of lords, The Word of God, the life and Spirit of God. "The Holy One anointing that you receive from God will abide in you, and you have no need that any one should teach you; as his anointing teaches you about everything, and is true, and is no lie, just as it has taught you, abide in Christ...and when He appears, you will be changed into his image. All who hope in Him are pure as he is pure" 1 John 2:27-3:10. Jesus died to all curses, sin, falling short of the glory, diseases, death, the works of the devil, mental and emotional issues, soul wounds, spiritual problems, relationship issues and all disorders and pathology on the tree of the knowledge of good and evil so we can be reborn of God of the tree of life. Christ was resurrected and ascended, glorified, given rule and authority above all in heaven and on earth, seating us with Himself in heavenly places, giving us the Holy Spirit and holy fire to live a full, abundant life with Christ made the source of our life, wisdom, righteousness, redemption and sanctification by faith, within all human beings who believe and receive it. The fullness of the Godhead that resides in Christ Jesus, and we come to fullness of life in Christ, the Head of all rule and authority. The Holy Spirit can download a new server, a new hard drive and new software of Christ into each human being who says "yes" and "amen" to the Promises of God through Jesus by the Holy Spirit. We ask and open to receive his Life into our being, thanking, honoring and giving all the glory to God our Father. When we give all of ourself to God, Christ gives all of God to us in the form of the Holy Spirit, the breath of Life, the fire of life, and all the fullness of God in our body temple. The Holy Spirit washes, transforms, transfigures, renews, and regenerates us until we become a tree of life in the kingdom of the new heavens on earth, bearing Christ fruit of righteousness, a new heaven and new earth where righteousness dwells (2 Peter 3:13). "He showed me the river of the water of life, bright as crystal, flowing from the throne of God [into the heart] through the middle of the city [body]; also, on either side of the river, the tree of life, with its twelve kinds of fruit, yielding its fruit each month; and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations" (Revelation 22:1-2). "Come to me and I will give you rest" "The Spirit and the Bride say, 'Come'...take the water of life without price " Revelation 22:17. "I Jesus send my angel to you, I am the root, the morning star, the son of David and the Son of God!" Revelation 22:16. We root and build up in Christ, grow up in Christ, mature and live in Him; walk in Him, in Spirit, in Light, and give Him all our thanks and praise (Colossians 2:7).
The living presence of Jesus has manifested and spoke to me; I have beheld his glory that changes and transforms us by the Lord who is the Spirit. I can assure you that Love is indeed stronger than death! Jesus is the resurrected, ascended, glorified King of kings and Lord of lords, the Word made into living, resurrected new creation with the pure, holy Blood, Water, and Spirit of God. Abide in Christ, and Christ in you (John 15:4). The Life of God, is also our new life in Christ, now and is to come with Christ in you, eternal and infinite; only the temporary physical tent is taken off and the permanent light body is put on when our time is finished in this world. Love never dies; our soul and spirit are eternal in Christ. I love, thank, honor and respect all of God's manifestations, Christ theophanies, qualities and aspects; Christ remains forever; Jesus came to earth, sent from God, and returned to the Father and sent the Holy Spirit who is the Lord on earth now; when the Holy Spirit is removed from this world, it will be hell on earth; the new heaven and new earth are where righteousness dwells. Baskin Robbins has 33 flavors of ice cream. God has infinite flavors! "O taste and see that God is good!" (Psalms 34:8). There is only one body and one Spirit; one God and Father, who is above us, in us and through us, in Christ and Christ in usl. We were able to see the Invisible God when He sent Jesus in a visible human body who began His 3 1/2 year ministry after being baptized with water by John the Baptist and the Holy Spirit came and rested and remained upon Jesus, immediately sending him to the desert wilderness to fast for 40 days and be tempted by the devil in his weakest physical form, but without sin, speaking the Words of God to counteract the twisting of the Word by satan. He then started his ministry of healing, delivering, setting free that culminated in the Cross. We got to see what holy, pure, perfect Love without an opposite looked like in Christ who is the exact image and likeness of God, who radiates the glory of God as the first-born from dead; pre-eminant in all things. When Jesus died, resurrected and ascended to sit with Abba Father, he lifted all human beings with him and sent the Holy Spirit to earth to live in willing, receptive, believing human beings, making our body his temple. The Light in the world is Christ and Christ in you, the hope of glory; the substance and assurance of glory. We die with Christ and are made alive with Christ, the bond cancelled along with its legal demand, nailed to the Cross, disarming the principalities and powers, triumphing over them, making a public example of them; we conquer in Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit fire, to sit in the heavenly places with Christ and receive all the spiritual blessings of God (Ephesians 1:3)! Be healed! Be made whole! in Jesus' Name above every name; the Matchless, Powerful, Beautiful Name of Jesus! Be empowered! Be embodied! Be Love; love never dies! Be who you were created to be: the image and likeness of God; recreated by the finished work of the Cross, in Christ and Christ in you! God is our One Father; we are his children; we are divine heirs! We become the sons of God led by the Holy Spirit, as Jesus was the first-born of many! God is the Spirit of Love (John 4:24; 1 John 4:8) and Light without any darkness at all (1 John 1:5), therefore we are love and light and spirit in Christ and Christ in you! The Father of lights will endow you and give you every good and perfect gift from Above to make you a kind of first fruits creature (James 1:17-18).
There is only one Source from which the river of Spirit flows. "Maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. There is one body and one God and Father of us ALL, who is above all, and through all, and in all" (Ephesians 4:3-6). When we return to the beginning when the darkness (uncreated Light) was upon the face of the deep, and the Spirit of God was moving over the face of the waters, we go beyond world religions and the doctrines of men and demons to the Spirit and Bride inviting us to come and TAKE the water of life (Genesis 1:1-2; Revelation 22:1-17). Maranatha! Come Lord Jesus as King of kings and Lord of lords! Father of Glory and King of Glory and Your spotless Bride. Christ was never born; never dies; was, is and is to come; Jesus came, ministered, died, buried, resurrected, ascended, glorified and is seated on the Throne with His Father, our Father in Christ and Christ in you. "Let there be light" was the Word, the Command that brought the beginning of creation, and the beginning of the differentiation of the One. The many are called into Christ to return to the One Father, and receive Christ into the many, the Bride! The last words in the bible are an invitation from the Spirit and the Bride to Come! Take the Water of Life without price. Come! Take it by faith through grace!
I have studied and experienced spiritual practices of most of the traditions and find that each religion has some truth, as well as some distortions and errors; some light and some darkness; some good and some evil, except Christ who is pure; we come to Christ not to religion; we don't search the Scriptures to prove we are right; we come to Jesus, return to the Father and receive the Holy Spirit and fire to dissolve the old nature and form the new. All world religion deals with duality: good versus evil. Satan's tree of the knowledge of good and evil has replaced the tree of life, pure Christ of God, in too many churches, temples, or places of worship. Religion is the outer, external form, containing the specific rituals, laws, creeds, doctrines and practices or formation that tries to reconnect man with God. Spirituality, on the other hand, is the inner connection to God, the direct individualized experience of the living, active presence of God; the glory of Christ given to you through Holy Spirit by the grace of God, taken by faith. At the mystical level there are more similarities than differences between religions; but Christ Jesus is greater. The Presence of God may be experienced; see and behold the glory of the Lord that changes you into the likeness of Christ from glory to glory that comes from the Lord who is the Spirit. God is Love and if there is an absence of Love, the fruit of the Spirit, there is no Spirit of God there. There is One Spirit that searches even the depths of God! The Spirit reveals what eyes had not seen, ears had not heard, nor the heart perceived; giving us the Spirit of Wisdom, and revelation of the knowledge of God and His glory, and understanding of the spiritual gifts sent from the Father of Glory. There is one golden thread that flows through every true religion, pure spirituality or connection to God: Christ's glorified Spirit! The silver and the gold are God's; Holy Spirit and Christ! We are called into the one body of Christ, and the one Spirit of Christ in you! Our task for the new heaven on earth where righteousness will dwell in our body with Christ in you, is to go from the duality of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil to non-duality grafted on the tree of life, Christ, the Vine connecting the new heaven and new earth, root and branches, with God as Vinedresser. Only the Father's Love can fill the God-shaped hole in your heart; knowing the Love of Christ fills you with all the fullness of God (Ephesians 3:19). Let your distressed, diseased, disordered, withered, dry, dead branches be pruned and burned in the fire of Divine Love so you can have healthy growth, bud, blossom, fruit and use your leaves for healing (Revelation 22:1-17). Surrender the past, deny your self, remove the old forms of religion without power, die to self, and be born anew from above by the Holy Spirit! Be born of God! Be a new creation! Be Loved by God, receive it, and be it; believe and receive the Word made flesh in you; that settles it! We are called to Love God and love one another as ourself! Simple! Powerful! Take "It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me" Galatian 2:20.
God does not show partiality (Galatians 2:6, 3:28); all who come to Christ, believe in their heart and confess with their mouth that Jesus is Lord are saved. The Spirit of Christ has appeared in many different forms, at different times and places. Moses struck the rock and water came out of it (1 Cor 10:4) and the fourth man in the fiery furnace that protected them from the flames; the one who protected Daniel from the lion making him his prey in the lions den. The resurrected Christ Jesus was not recognized by his own followers, not even Mary Magdalene, who forgiven much, loved Christ much. The men on the road to Emaaus didn't recognize Christ Jesus until he ate with them and spoke the Word, then their hearts burned in His Presence. When we receive the Spirit of God, he reveals Christ Jesus to you; remembering all He taught. "In that day you will know that I am in my Father, and you in me, and I in you" (John 14:20). Jesus was a Jewish, but the risen Christ is not male nor female, beyond gender or race or status. Jesus did not come to earth to start a new religion, Jesus came to save, heal, deliver and set free; Jesus came that we might have life and have life more abundantly! (John 10:10). Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil: disease, disorders, disabilities, blindness, deafness, lameness, oppression or possession by the enemy of our soul or unclean spirits, discord, division, distress, divorce, discouragement, dismay, disdain, and all other "disses"! (1 John 3:8). Jesus came to judge evil and restore goodness so we could conquer and be granted to eat from the Tree of Life in the paradise of God (Revelation 2:7). Jesus disarmed the powers and principalities; triumphing over them. Jesus came to reconcile us back to the One Father of all creation; reconcile and unite all things in heaven and on earth. Jesus judges with righteous judgment; looking at the heart, not the external, physical, but the inner, spiritual condition and thoughts and intentions of the heart. The real chosen of God are not literal Jews, not external or physical Jews, but internal, spiritual, a matter of the heart (Romans 2:28-29). There are infinite ways of understanding God, but there is only One God and Father and His Lamb who is exalted above all others for enduring the Cross. Jesus saying "the Father and I are One" is similar to the Jewish description of God as "the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob/Israel." They were not speaking of three gods, but the One God who was experienced, understood and perceived by each person in a unique way. "Have we not all one Father? Has not one God created us? Why then are we faithless to one another?" Malachi 2:10. God is Father of all families in heaven and on earth (Ephesians 3:14) and sent Jesus to be our Salvation.
"Return to God and God will return to you" Malachi 3:7
"Draw near to God and He will draw near to you" James 4:8
Ultimate wellbeing is living in constant, conscious connection, communion and communication with the presence of the God, and the awareness of Spirit within! However, many don't believe there is a God at all, many feel disconnected, doubtful, or unworthy, and many are unable to create or sustain a relationship with God. Many are having challenges, trials, loss, problems, or diseases, and wonder if God has abandoned them. The first step in healing is to turn away from the challenge and doubts and turn to God, keep your focus on Jesus, and stay in intimate relationship with God, learn to know God and your true self by spending time reading the Word, meditating on the Word, pondering, reflecting, chewing it over; keeping the Word in mind; asking the Holy Spirit to write the Word on your heart and mind and will to do the Will of God. O that I might know the Father and his resurrection power! (Phil 3:10). Then you can consciously direct the power of the light of Christ into any problem or area of darkness or disease through spiritual intentionality with the Mind of Christ in the consciousness of God. If you take one step towards God, he will take 10,000 towards you! Draw near to God and he will draw near to you! Abide in Christ and Christ in you (John 15:4)!
Research has shown that stress is a major cause of disease, but few are asking what is the root cause of stress. I believe that the number one cause of stress is separation from God, and the truth of our being. When we fail to be who God created us to be, it creates conflict and dissonance in us that zaps our energy and drains us. If we don't wake up and come to Christ, our tiredness and busy-ness can lead to illness, disease and an early grave. Treatments for disease and disorders that do not include the Spirit of God are inherently incomplete, limited and lacking in staying power. The kingdom of God is righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit; righteousness is right standing from right relationship with God that lead to right thinking, speaking, and right actions. I believe that the awareness of the Spirit of God and His divine Power must be included into the present practice of healthcare, medicine, psychology, and complementary, integrative medicine. Spiritual medicine should not replace traditional healthcare, but be INCLUDED in it! The Spirit of God is needed to evolve, transform, empower, revitalize, regenerate, and inspire wellness in healthcare and preventative healthcare for the highest and best for humanity. Inspired medicine and soul healing for the wellness of the spirit and soul and body is the answer! True health, harmony, wholeness, holiness, completeness and wellbeing is spiritual and a matter of the heart!
Inspired wellness is an individualized, revelatory prescription for your health, healing and wholeness, without negative side effects or iatrogenic harm. The three top causes of death are heart disease, cancer and iatrogenic (death from the medical treatment itself). The Spirit of Christ Jesust is the true Physician, Healer, real medicine, Counselor, Guide, Advocate, Intercessor, Comforter, Helper and Teacher to lead you to your highest good and the highest good of all. Allow me to assist you in finding healing, harmony, alignment with the one body and one Spirit of Christ, through uncovering the blocks, obstacles, barriers or obstructions in your life, body, soul, spirit, words, heart, mind, thoughts, beliefs, or your connection to God. With the obstacles removed to your connection to Spirit, you will be able to find inner guidance, vitality, meaning, and purpose in your life and be free to live a life of contentment and fulfillment.
What is your heart's desire?
What is your passion?
Do you have a deep soul hunger for something more, or different in your life?
Are you thirsty for the Truth and the Living Water from above?
Are you seeking after God, or the truth about God?
Does your heart long for deeper connection to God, yourself, your spouse or partner, friends, or nature?
Do you desire greater intimacy, or the ability to give or receive love?
Do you yearn for an inner peace and serenity?
Do you want to be FREE to enjoy life and create the life of your dreams?
Do you wish to find your purpose and be able to give your gifts to the world?
Do you want to Be HEALED and BE MADE WHOLE?
What do you want the Jesus to do for you?
Many of us have a difficult time knowing what it is we really want or need. Or we have had the experience of getting what we think we want, only to find that it did not bring us the lasting happiness or fulfillment that we had hoped for. Thankfully, the Spirit inside of you does know what you individually need to heal, survive, thrive and flourish! God is the Healer, and is greater than any problem, challenge, or disease. Any hole you have dug for yourself, God can dig deeper; Jesus had gone deeper; you can never go to far that Christ Jesus cannot rescue and save you! You CAN gain access to the Spirit of God's healing power and presence through Christ to access the Throne of God's Grace. Thank God! Come Holy Spirit! I would be honored to assist the Spirit of God in bringing you into divine health, wholeness and wellness while growing in your relationship with God. "Now to him who by the power at work within us is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask, think, imagine or dream, to God be the glory for ever and ever. Amen." (Ephesians 3:20-21)